Tag Archives: Avengers

Rick Jones: the Most Important Marvel Hero You’ve Never Heard

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imageRick Jones? Who’s Rick Jones? Before I get to the most important Marvel character you’ve never heard, indulge me a moment, please.

I often play this game. If I could have been someone else who would it be. Like literary figures, or historical ones or fantasy characters. Among the historical I’d like to imagine that I would be an Apostle like Paul. Living miraculously through storms and ship wrecks, venomous snake bites and stonings all the while teaching others great spiritual truths and wisdom. But then, realistically I would probably be Peter. From the moment he saw Jesus he challenged him, “Yeah, yeah. I’m a great fisherman and have been out all night without finding anything, and you say you can take me out and just fill the boat! Well let’s go, let me show you that you’re wrong!” (Gary Stuber paraphrasing). You saw how that worked out. When Jesus told Peter he would have to go into Jerusalem and be taken captive and killed, Peter insisted on stopping him so that Jesus had to say, “Satan get behind me!” to him. At the last supper he bragged, “everyone else might betray you but I won’t!” Liar, liar, pants on fire. Hours later in the garden, Jesus would have to take a sword out of his hand and heal the ear Peter cut off. Even after the resurrection, Peter went back to fishing and Christ would have to shame him, “Peter if you love me, feed my sheep.” Not once, not twice but three times. Yeah, I’d be Peter, brash, impulsive, in need of correction, hard-headed and full of pride. Though I’d want to be Paul.

If I were a superhero I would have to be a Marvel Superhero. No Superman, Batman or other DC hero for me. And even more I would want to be an X-Man. From the day in 1963 when I picked up X-Men #1 off the stands of my local drugstore as a ten year old, I WAS Scott Summers also known as Cyclops. I identified with the quiet loner, unsure of his ability to lead, silently in love with Jean Grey.

But, realistically, I’d probably be Rick Jones. Rick Jones was partner to some of Marvels greatest heroes. Partner. He probably created the Avengers, was the key figure in the Kree-Skrull War, was an Avenger, spent more time in the Negative Zone than either Warlock or Annillius, and managed to kill the Abomination with his bare hands, stopped the Red Hulk and presently is living the life as a normal human with his wife. He has been all over the universe, every Marvel hero knows his name and yet there are not now, nor ever will be any Rick Jones Halloween masks. In fact, it is my allegment that the Marvel Cinematic Universe is CONSPIRING to keep him out of existence.

imageLet me introduce you to Richard Millhouse “Rick” Jones. Rick first appeared in Hulk #1 in 1962. Dr. Robert Bruce Banner while conducting a Gamma-Radiation Bomb experiment in the Southwestern desert, first saw him from the bunker in his field glasses. He told the techs to hold up the countdown and rushed out to the desert where he threw the teen into a hole and took the full brunt of the radiation explosion. It wasn’t held up.

imageIn gratitude, the teenage orphan Rick hung with the doctor watching him transform for the first time into the hulk (who was grey for the first two issues before becoming green).

imageThe young sidekick stuck with him, guiding him out of trouble and exercising limited control.

imageOnce hulk came out of control Rick formed the Teen Brigade, a team of ham-radio operators that tracked the Hulks movements.

imageIn fact, it was Rick’s ham radio alerts that were picked up simultaneously by Iron Man, Thor, Antman and Wasp that united them in a battle against the hulk that led to them becoming the Avengers.

imageA few years later, Rick Jones would become an Avenger, and partner to Captain America, wearing Bucky’s original costume and playing partner throughout the 60’s and 70’s.

imageThat is until a cosmic encounter with Captain Marvel made him cosmically entangled with the Kree entity. While he spent part time as Rick Jones on earth, he alternately exchanged places with Captain Marvel trapped in the Negative Zone. They shared consciousness in the same place, while their bodies were universes apart.

imageThis cosmic exchange put Captain Marvel on earth and Rick Jones into the Negative Zone. They lived this way, alternately switching back and forth for years until ultimately separated.

imageThis however was an event that also briefly gave Rick his own super-powers as well as bringing a decisive end to the long-running Kree-Scrull war.

imageRick became human and normal once again. Until he was thrust into another cosmic war between the Dire Wraiths and Rom the Space Knight. He met his love along this route. After a brief stint as a super-powered hero he once again became human.

He got married and wrote a best seller about his life as a sidekick, partner, Avenger and cosmic entity.

imageLife was good if not boring. In an incident that got him injected with the super-soldier formula he ended up like the monster the Abomination (only blue) aS A-Bomb and ended up killing the out-of-control Abomination. Afterword he brought down the Red Hulk before he was “cured” with a dose that turned him human again.

That could be the subject for the next book if he wants to write it. For now he is living the simple life again as a normal married man. No super-villains, no aliens, no cosmos, no superheroes. Still, no Rick Jones Halloween masks or merchandise either. Worse. No one will be playing him anytime soon in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. There he is the most important person who doesn’t now or will probably never exist. Yep, that would probably be me.

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Marvel’s Sub-Mariner Under the Sea Movie Adventure? Don’t Hold Your Breath!

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Alpha and Omega: First and Last

Is Marvel crazy? Have they overlooked one of their oldest, most popular characters among all those they have introduced into the MCU movie universe? Where is Namor also known as Sub-Mariner? Technically, Namor might be the FIRST Marvel Comics hero. In his appearance in Marvel Comics #1 in 1939, the comic that ushered in the Marvel Universe, the Bill Everett story and art was actually a reprint from Motion Pictures Funnies Weekly. It was a black and white newsprint throw away comic given free with the admission to the movie theater. This original predates Marvel Comics #1 by six months. Yet, Namor has moved to the back of the line. The LAST story to be told. IF his story EVER gets told.

April 1939
April 1939
Nov. 1939
Nov. 1939

Misunderstood Rebel WITH a Causel

Namor’s story, these days might actually appeal to liberals. He was a half-breed, shunned initially by both races, the son of a deep ocean native warrior princess, who had to fight his way to the throne. There he fought climate, pollution, ocean animal killers, modern weapons of war and his every heroic deed was mischaracterized as evil. So what’s the hold up getting him to the big screen? Corporate greed? Capitolism? Conservative’s agenda. Something more dramatic. He’s owned by two different Hollywood Studios. As one of the characters “shopped out” during Marvel’s bankruptcy 1999 B.D. (Before Disney) Marvel sold the movie rights of X-Men to Fox, the Fantastic Four to Columbia/Sony, and Hulk and Namor to Universal. Now Namor the half-bred human and Atlantean Merman is truly got half his body at Universal Studios and half at Marvel Studios. Just enough rights are owned by both to keep Namor off the screen for many more years.

Namor took on the Axis powers on the sea, sometimes all by himself.
Namor took on the Axis powers on the sea, sometimes all by himself.
Namor returns to the comics after an 18 year hiatus, this time as a villain.
Namor returns to the comics after an 18 year hiatus, this time as a villain.

Hero to Villain: There and Back Again

Sub-Mariner (pronounced “sub-MAH-rain-er”) has had a roller-coaster career of good guy, bad guy, good guy again. After all what do you expect from a social outcast? The love child between a human sea captain and the beautiful (and blue) royal warrior princess mermaid people who are the remnant of the lost city of Atlantis. Namor gets his Caucasian color and handsome rugged features from his human father and his pointy ears, gills and winged ankles (they look like wings but are actually webbed flippers propelling him faster in the water) from his mother, Fen. Raised by her in the depths of the ocean in the kingdom of Atlantis, he was groomed for the throne, but literally lost it. Being raised in the great depths of the ocean under such water pressure gives him great super strength when standing on the surface, where he can breathe air, due to his dual biological nature. During World War Two, Namor watched surface men attack one another sinking great ships, airplanes and submarines (different pronunciation) into his ocean home, including bombs, radioactive material, garbage and various human pollutants. Kind of ticks a guy off. Fortunately, he teamed his wrath against the axis powers aiding Captain America, Whizzer, The Android Human Torch and others to battle the Germans and Japanese with the All-Winners Squad. That alliance ended with the war. By 1954 all of Marvel’s superhero comics had faded into oblivion. Marvel’s first hero was also the first to lose his own title. Then, in 1962 in the beginning of what was later to be known as the Silver Age of Comics, Namor was the first of the WWII heroes to be revived. Marvel and DC comics were in the beginning of a great revival of superheroes. DC had a bit of luck bringing back the Golden Age Flash, so Marvel was eager to see how fans would react to their old heroes. Marvel had introduced their first title in November 1961: The Fantastic Four. It was a hit. So in the fourth issue of that series in early 1962 Namor re-emerged, and this time as an opponent.

Golden Hero; Silver Age Villain

imageTo explain away 18 years of Namor’s dormant activity the Stan Lee and Jack Kirby story made him a transient living in men’s shelters in New York, living on the streets. He had grown a full mane of dark hair covering his pointy ears, and a long beard and mustache. He had no memory of who he was. That is until a meddling Human Tourch thought he recognized him from a stack of old comic books he was reading. Johnny Storm burned off Namor’s beard and hair exposing him for who he was. A defensive battle began and being close to the docks they ended up in the water where Namor’s gill’s drew in sea water and his mind cleared. Namor’s first act was to search for his kingdom. Finding it destroyed and his people missing, he declared war on all surface dwellers. Soon, Namor was in a full on battle with all four of the FF. they drove him back into the ocean. Not before Namor was smitten with the beauty of the invisible girl, Sue Storm.

Reed and Sue would argue a number of times over her crush on the handsome Atlantean.
Reed and Sue would argue a number of times over her crush on the handsome Atlantean.

imageA half dozen times over the course of the next thirty issues and their first double-size annual, Namor would battle the Fantastic Four as a villain. Sometimes teaming up with their arch enemy Doctor Doom. He teamed with Hulk against the Avengers in Avengers #3, and in the very next issue, brooding over the defeat he encounters some native Eskimos worshiping a figure frozen in ice. Cursing the ignorant surface dwellers for worshiping idols, he throws the block into the North Atlantic where it drifts down to New York where the Avengers thaw out the second WWII hero, Captain America. He even was approached by Magneto recruiting mutants for his brotherhood in X-Men #6 where Charles Xavier proved he was a hybrid rather than a mutant and thus had no skin in the game.  Namor would be a villain in the Marvel Universe until 1965 when he would be redeemed.

Prince Once More

imageIn 1965 after a long run of Ant-Man turned Giantman in Marvel’s Tales to Astonish, Marvel retired Hank Pym from his own series, kicking him back to the pages of Avengers where he would remain a regular. In his place, Marvel gave Namor his own series, sharing half the book with the Incredible Hulk beginning with Tales to Astonish #70. There they would remain until 1968 when Marvel broke the book into its own independent comics and the Submariner after 23 years would have his own title again. (That is why two #1 issues exist. One in the Golden Age and one in the Silver.) during this tumultuous time Namor for at least a third time had to defend his throne from the evil (and bigoted Krang and/or Attuma) and rescue his blue beauty Lady Dorma from their clutches. No longer a villain nor disrespected, the Prince of Atlantis took his rightful place on the throne, protecting his own from all villains, circumstances and would be enemies of the ocean (Polluters, whale killers and bad guys beware).

Lost with Atlantis

Now perhaps, you can see why Namor appears to be lost in limbo. Sony currently holds rights to the Fantastic Four so his Silver Age roots are out of the mix. Marvel owns Captain America and have left the All-Winners Squad out of its history so his days as a WWII hero are out, as well as his “thawing” of Cap in the modern age. Continue reading Marvel’s Sub-Mariner Under the Sea Movie Adventure? Don’t Hold Your Breath!

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